Terms and Conditions

  1. Once the order is placed it cannot be cancelled under any circumstances
  2. After order is confirmed any changes in the product won’t be possible
  3. All orders will be dispatched only once full payment is received.
  4. Tracking number will be provided within 48 hours of dispatch.
  5. For any damage issues you need to inform the company within 3 working days of receiving the courier
  6. Any complaints regarding any of our product post 3 days of receiving order won’t be considered as valid.
  7. Incase of any valid damaged product please check our shipping & return section
  8. Once the payment is made any refund won’t be possible, unless the outfit received is damaged and same is informed to the company within 3 working days.
  9. Please note the color may vary from what you see in picture due to light effects and photography.
  10. For any issue related to the product you can write to us by WhatsApp or email us for same.
  11. Please don’t send request to us for cancelation once the order is placed & confirmed!
  12. Incase the amount has falsely been deducted from your account contact us on immediate basis.
    Example: if the product price mentioned was 10,000/- and if you were charged with a different amount please share a proper screenshot and proof of bank transaction to solve the issue.

For any emergency assistance you can call us in our working hours or write to us anytime.

Contact us on : +91 98796 69606 , +91 98796 69606

Email: info@karissafashion.in